Since 1837 when Scapula Alata “Winging Scapula” was mentioned for the first time in literature, several treatment methods have been tried. But no treatment concept had ever been determined for this diagnose.
In 1992 Physiotherapists at Viborg Hospital in Denmark got the idea that this problem could be solved, and they developed a treatment concept for this group of patients. In collaboration with shoulder surgeons and orthotists they developed a Brace to support the scapula. Furthermore, they developed a method for examination and analysis of the dysfunction around scapula and, also a method for the physiotherapeutic rehabilitation.
In 1998 I joined the group of Scapula Alata Rehabilitation and throughout the next 8 years I treated many Scapula Alata patients at Viborg Hospital.
Studies were made and over time many patients had this rehabilitation and we found that Viborg Hospital had found a highly effective treatment concept for this group of patients.
In 2006 I started my own Private Practice, Skulderklinikken Viborg, for shoulder rehabilitation. Foreign patients with Scapula Alata started coming to my Practice for treatment and each year the number has been growing. With 100 new Scapula Alatas diagnosed in Denmark every year, we can only imagine how many untreated patients there are outside of Denmark.
The need for spreading knowledge of this treatment is obvious and I decided to take it across borders. In 2018 I started with the aim of informing people all over the world that there is a treatment for Scapula Alata. I now do courses around the world to educate Physiotherapists and Orthotists to master this treatment.